"The NEU Mann" is of course a take off of my last name. Which in the original German means "New Man". That's what I am because of my relationship with Jesus Christ. When God's own Son came to live a sinless life for you and me and the entire world, His innocent death on the cross accomplished a great exchange. He took my life, with all its faults and shame, upon himself and was fittly punished for all my wrongs. "The wages of sin is death..." (Romans 6:23) With my guilt on His own body, He paid those awful penalties by dying in my place. Then the awesome exchange was that His life, without sin, was credited to me before God. Because I trust in the substitutionary death of Jesus for my sins, God sees me as though I lived my life without sin. Though I am not righteous on my own account, God "declares" me righteous because of Jesus. I am a "NEU Mann" "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Being a "NEU Mann" means that life doesn't have to be in all the old ways. My marriage partnership, my family life, my daily interaction with the people around me can be as the new creation God has made me in Christ. I hope to discuss some of this new life with others who are interested. I'd love to compare notes with other people who have received Christ and with those who might still be living without Him.