What a welcome for my family and me!
Watch this video of the song the praise team wrote and performed at the installation service. (The guy shaking his head just to the right of the center of the screen is my dad... a fairly traditional Lutheran, himself, but a very good sport!)
Fun, Fun, Fun...Well the call committee met
And decided we should find
a new man now
Packer – Viker didn’t matter
But he had to be a Jesus fan now
And with the congregation saying their prayers
Just as fast as they can now
We will have fun, fun, fun
‘Cause we got the Texas preacher to stay
Well we knew all along
That our preacher was kind of unique, yeah
Seven children – Faith, Elijah,
Isaac, Noah, Abram, Lydia, Hannah
And the saint of the family
Is the mother and wife, Diana
Praise Father Son, Son, Son
For the blessing of this
great family
Well, we got the pastor
Who speaks and leads
like an ace now
We’ll be moving just
as fast as we can
Keeping up with his pace now
He’s got enthusiasm
written all over
That baby face now
And he will run, run, run
Doing ministry at Trinity, yeah
And he will run, run, run
Doing ministry at Trinity, yeah
And he will run, run, run
Doing ministry at Trinity, yeah!