Trinity serves hundreds of children every week, through our Childcare, Preschool,Elementary Academy, Children's and Youth Ministries. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I get to very regularly share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with children and youth. This morning I enjoyed the precious time of leading little ones to discover the truth about the manger and the Savior who came to give us all a new life and eternal joy with God. They were amazed to think that Cattle really ate from Baby Jesus' bed of all places! I told them that the sweetest place for Jesus was a place in their heart. Receiving and trusting in Christ for his work of salvation is the greatest way to celebrate CHRISTmas. Our hearts were made to receive Him, not to push Him away. The prophet Isaiah said that this child was born "to us"... a "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." It grieves me that countless people would forfiet such a gift at CHRISTmas time, or any other time. I hope that you will join me in this holy season to share with people the truth of Christ and His gift of salvation. An old CHRISTmas carol includes this precious prayer...

"O dearest Jesus, Holy Child,
Make Thee a bed soft, undefiled
Within my heart that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee."
My little friends and I all agreed that we would like Jesus to find a quiet sweet place in our hearts this year. It seemed so easy to convince them to love the Baby from heaven. They have "child-like faith". For adults, though it usually means that we must become humble, realizing that our sinful rebellion has made us in desperate need of God grace. We thankfully welcome the Savior and trust that He has come to save us. That's the "Merry" in "Merry Christmas!" It's a heart that is free in Christ. It has made me the "NEU Mann" I was meant to be. It is God's desire to make us all new in His Son.