Monday, January 18, 2010

Wise words from a friend...

Here's one of my favorite quotes from my buddy "B" on a day, years ago, when I was complaining that I always have to be the one who makes up, makes peace, confesses sin, tries harder, takes the blame, in problems at work, at home, in life...

"O.K. Mark... so, who's willing to be the 'CHRISTIAN ON DUTY' in this circumstance?" (Isn't that an awesome question?) Of course it inspired me to answer, "Sign me up! I'll be 'on duty.'" That doesn't mean that I won't suffer, that doesn't mean that things will get easy. It might get even harder or much worse. But to be on duty is a priviledge. Have you thought about what spiritual warfare you will be called up to fight?

So... who's willing to be the "CHRISTIAN ON DUTY" today? What's your answer?

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