Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wake Up To Wisdom! - Day 4 - James 1:1-25

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." (v. 22)
This whole reading for the day is great! I've only quoted verse 22 but I urge you, as with all the readings in this series, read the whole thing every day.
As I pondered this today, I thought about the instability in the world. These are difficult times for God's people. It's no time to be "double-minded"(v. 8). That's when the instability of the world matches the instability of the "OLD mann". The results can be a catastrophe! Verse 12 tells us that we are blessed when we remain steadfast under trial. The answer for the growing "NEU mann" is to be daily in the Word of God. That's not to say fulfilling the daily obligation to read or hear it. In this little letter we are reminded that "hearers only" deceive themselves. The OLD mann can "hear" the whole counsel of God but the NEU mann does it! What is God telling you to "DO" today? Let His Word be a call to action!
Father in heaven, thank you for the amazing guidance of your Word. Teach me not just to hear it but to do it, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

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