I want to talk to you today about
“Affluenza.” It’s something that is
very, very prevalent in our culture today.
I’m going to begin with a little knowledge quiz. OK? So
take a look up here and see what you think.
Which of
the following is comparable to the size of a typical three car garage?
a basketball court
a McDonald’s restaurant
an AV or recreational vehicle
the average home in the 1950’s
What do you think? The answer is “d.” Many of today’s three car garages occupy
about 900 square feet—just about the average size of an entire home in the
1950’s. Many people use the extra space
to store things. Often we hear that Americans
have lost ground economically and have less purchasing power, but American are
buying more luxurious items partly by working more and by deeply into
debt. The homes we live in today and the
cars we drive today are often bigger and more technologically advance than
those purchased by our parents.
The percentage of Americans calling themselves
very happy reached its highest point in what year?
When were Americans the
happiest? The answer “1957.” The number of very happy people peeked in
1957, and this is interesting, has remained fairly stable or declined ever
since. Even though we consume twice as
much as did in the ‘50’s, people were just as happy when they had less.
True or false?
Americans carry 600 billion in personal debt, not including mortgages or
real estate?
Is that true or false? It’s false.
Americans carry 2.4 trillion dollars in personal debt--approximately
eight thousand for every man, woman and child not including real estate and
mortgages. On average Americans save
only 4 percent of their income in contrast to Japanese who save about 16
Now I’m going to take you back a
few years.
Which activity did more Americans do in 1996?
graduate from college
declare bankruptcy
The answer in 1996 was “b –
declare bankruptcy.” In 1996 more than
one million Americans declared bankruptcy as in 1986. More than a billion credit cards and less
than 1/3 of the credit card holders pay off their balances each month.
I did a little checking on some
of my statistics, and actually I found that the bankruptcy rate has gone up to
1.571 million bankruptcies in this past year.
Now what’s interesting is college graduates have actually caught up, but
the college graduates are not getting good jobs anymore. They’re not getting jobs that equal their
education, so the economy is getting tough.
This is the last one.
Of American who voluntarily cut back their
consumption, what percent said that they are happier as a result?
What do you think? The answer is “d.” 86% of Americans who voluntarily cut back
their consumption feel happier as a result.
And by the way, voluntary reductions in consumption are actually
growing. More and more people are
deciding to live with less.
Now, I want to talk to you about “affluenza”
because in looking at what is “missional” over the next couple weeks I want to
talk to you about “missional momentum”--the idea that God wants us to take the
love, the grace, the fellowship, and the forgiveness, that he has given us, and
move it out to the world with continuous momentum. You’ve seen this diagram with arrows that
point out from a growing heart, a growing faith. So the idea is that in the next couple weeks
we’re going to talk about the momentum that the mission needs. But truth be told, there are things that
weigh in on our heart rather than going out.
These are things that affect us all—money, houses, cars, life style. These are things that we desire to have in
our lives, to put around us, to make us feel good. It results though, in a self-focus—stuff that
just gets into our hearts and make us love and desire things more than what
should be the object of our affection and our walk with God.
So, what is “affluenza?” Actually it is something that psychologists
have begun to study in America, because we’ve really got a problem in this
country. I’d like to illustrate that by
talking about three factors that mark this condition. One is the “LOAD.” The load that we have put on our lives is an
amazing. Our stuff, the things we have
around us, costs us dearly. It’s costing
us in terms of financial stresses, of relational stresses, and real physical
stress. We have to try harder to
accumulate more stuff. And it’s harder
today than it was twenty years ago to make yourself look affluent and
good. So the load on us is
incredible. It’s big; it’s a
A second factor is the “HEAD.” We are striving to keep our head above
everybody else. We are striving to push
ahead of others, and it’s resulting in a lot of pride and a lot of difficulty
in competitiveness—keeping up with the “Joneses”—certainly a well-known phrase. Affluenza is going to our heads. We are trying so hard to stay above everyone
The third factor is the “DISORDER.” The research for most recent revision of the
Diagnostic Statistical Manual or “DSM” psychologists use to diagnose mental
abnormalities, began to look at the psychological impact of those who are
making themselves sick in pursuit of affluence or even, just the appearance of
affluence. So… there’s really a sickness
out there, and it’s gripping America today.
A “disorder” is a confusion of what is normally right. Eventually affluence, like any form of
idolatry, can put us out of place in our relationship with God, and that’s the worst
disorder we can ever get ourselves into.
Now, this is a sermon in a
church. It’s a church message so I’m not
here to talk to you about the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of psychology. God’s Word has plenty to say to us about
conditions that our spiritual lives face.
It talks a lot about our struggle with sin and temptation. It talks a lot about the stuff that clouds
our lives where God belongs instead.
When you heard the Gospel Lesson today you heard about a rich man who
came to Jesus. He said, “What must I do
to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus
said, “Well you know. Do what you’re
supposed to do.” It was a setup. Jesus knew he couldn’t do all the things he
was supposed to do. This young man said,
“I’ve kept all the Laws. I’ve been a
good boy. My whole life I’ve done
well.” And Jesus said, “Well, then go
and sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and then you’ll have
treasures in heaven.” The Bible said
that he went away very sad, because he had lots of stuff. Do you ever wonder what that might be like
today if Jesus said, “You’ve got too much stuff! Get rid of it. Come follow me.”
I’m going to continue reading
from Mark 10, where we left off. Because
after this young man went away, Jesus looked at his disciples and he said to
them: “How hard it is for the rich to
enter the Kingdom of God.” The disciples
were amazed at his words, but again Jesus said, `Children, how hard it is to
enter the Kingdom of God. It is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter the
Kingdom of God.’ The disciples were even
more amazed and said to each other, `who then can be saved?’ Jesus looked at them and said, `with man this
is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

Let’s take a look at “affluenza”
from the stand point of a camel trying to get through a needle gate. OK?
We’ve got three big problems with that.
First problem we have is this LOAD.
The camel usually has too much stuff to get through the gate--too much
stuff. So when it’s dark I can just see
the caravan driver saying, “Come on, come on!
They’re going to close the gate!
They’re going to close the gate!
We’ve got to get in!” You can
just see them looking at their watches and trying to get through the city gate
in time, because if they had to get the camels through the needle gate, that
load had to go. It was just too
much. So, to get the camel through the
task of lightning the load was really critically important.
But that’s not the only problem
you had getting a camel through the eye of a needle. Second problem you had was his HEAD. Just like people’s whose heads are held high
in pride, camels love to keep their heads up.
I don’t know if you noticed that, but even when they’re resting their
heads are up. They’re up all the
time. And when they’re trying to get a
camel through a needle gate, one of the toughest things to do is to pull that
head down so that head can get down low enough to get under the top of the
needle gate. It’s difficult to get a
camel through when its head is held high, just like it’s difficult for people
to walk closely with God, when their heads are so high in the clouds, with
their own self-importance and pride.
It’s not impossible; it’s just really hard to get a camel through a
needle gate with that head.
And, there’s still another
problem, because even if you’ve got the head down you had to do something that
was completely unnatural for a camel.
You had to deal with the DISORDER.
And that is… you had to get the camel on its knees to go through the
needle gate. Load off, head down, on the
knees! If a knee will not bow in humble
order before the God of the Universe, there’s a very serious “order”
problem. Yet we bow before so many
idols. God have mercy on us when we get
our lives so out of order!
It’s just such a hard thing to
get a camel through the eye of a needle, but it’s not impossible—is it? It’s not impossible. I think the young man went away very sad
because he had so much stuff. The challenge
for us today is to ask: If we’ve got too
much stuff, if our self-importance has inflated our heads so much, if we’re so
naturally inclined to worship ourselves rather than our Creator we may as well
be a big, old camel, with a great big load approaching the city wall after
Now, it could be that Jesus was talking about the needle
gate. I don’t know. It could be that he
was juxtaposing the biggest animal that people knew in Israel with the smallest
opening they could think about. Whether
Jesus was actually referring to a needle gate and a real camel or the
impossibility of putting a camel through the eye of a needle, the reaction of
the disciples was very much the same.
They said, “Lord, who then can be saved?” The young man went away really sad, because
he had so much stuff. Jesus said, “With
man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Jesus dealt with the LOAD, not the load of
our stuff, but the load of our sin.
Every lustful, compulsive, consuming thought that we’ve had, every covetous
idea, every stolen good, whatever it is, Jesus took that load for all that sin
on himself. It was a bigger load than
any camel could carry. It’s a bigger
load than you and I can bear. But that
load went to the cross with Jesus. I
love the Old Pilgrim’s Progress story where that Christian pilgrim with that
big pack on his back. He comes to the
cross and it falls off. The load of sin
is gone at the cross, because of Jesus Christ.
His HEAD, his sacred head, was wounded for us. He didn’t consider his standing in heaven to
be something that would be grasped, but he made himself nothing the Bible says
and took on the form of a servant. He
was obedient onto death, even death on the cross. That’s what was in his mind. The Bible says, “But for the joy set before
him he endured the cross, scorning its shame.”
He got his mind around the fact that he wanted to live with you and me
rather than in God’s kingdom. We talk
about DISORDER. There is none bigger
than the disorder in the relationship between broken humanity and the living
God. Jesus put order back into our lives
and into our eternity. Jesus dealt with
things that were out of whack.
So, I don’t know how you feel, maybe you’d be discouraged
like the rich, young man. Thinking, “Oh,
I’ve got too much stuff! I’ll never get
to heaven because I’ve got too much stuff, if not the physical stuff, there’s
certainly the sinful stuff. Does the
Bible make heaven seem as out of reach for the sinner as well as the rich
person? Jesus said, “No, it’s not
impossible. In fact, rich or poor, man
or woman, slave or free, with God, the Kingdom of Heaven is open to each one by
the grace and love of Jesus Christ. I’m
sharing this “affluenza” message with you to tell you it’s not such a good idea
to keep pursuing stuff rather than pursuing God. Our drive and desire for the affluent way of
life can keep us from giving it to others and growing the kingdom. It pushes our focus in toward ourselves and
not out to the world. I believe that’s
what Jesus was trying to say to the rich young man and to you and me. Thankfully, the message of the cross deals
with the LOAD, the HEAD, and the DISORDER when we trust in the finished work of
Christ for us all. He gives us peace and
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