Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm posting this blog entry from a Caribou coffee shop, while enjoying a wonderful cup of coffee. Thanksgiving was just a couple of days ago. It's honestly one of my favorite holidays. I like it because it hasn't become as "secularized" as so many other Christian holidays. Though not everyone is asking the question, it's not out of place to ask people, "What are you thankful for?" I did so at acouple of places. I asked the receptionists at my physical therapy appointment, I asked a gas station attendant, I asked a waitress. The response from each of these people was a thankfulness for "family." People really seem to value the relationships around them. I can well understand that sentiment. I too, am so very grateful for the lovely family that God gave me. I feel so blessed when I think about my precious bride, Diana, and each one of my children. Life with them is a special joy and blessing. In addition to the family I live with, I am grateful for the family that I worship with on a regular basis. My church family is precious to me. Both my family at home and my church family are gifts from God and a special testimony of His wonderful grace in my life. I've got to trace those blessings right back to the one who gives every good and perfect gift, the Father in heaven. When I think aout the things I am thankful for, the chief blessing and the source of all good in my life is the Lord. He has made me and given me all my blessings. What a joy to offer Him my worship and praise! The gift of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ is by far the biggest blessing I have to be thankful for each and every Thanksgiving, but also every day. The death and resurrection of my Savior Jesus has given me life through the forgiveness of all my sin. There is nothing I could be more thankful for. Now we turn our sights to the next big holiday, "CHRISTmas". I'm looking forward to sharing the joy of Christmas with everyone I can. I'm thankful for such a joyous message in a world where we need it so desperately.

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